Protection juridique de l'île de Groix





A battle to defend bees and polinators led by

The data recorded on this form is subject to computer processing carried out by the POLLINIS association, in compliance with the General Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on Data Protection. You can at any time exercise your rights of access, modification, rectification, opposition, limitation or deletion by simple request to the address The data concerning you will not be kept in the event of inactivity on your part for more than 48 months. If you believe that POLLINIS has not properly protected your data, you can exercise your right of complaint to the National Commission for IT and Liberties, 3 Place de Fontenoy – TSA 80715 – 75334 PARIS CEDEX 07. POLLINIS is a European citizen movement, independent, non-profit, which campaigns with political leaders and European institutions to accelerate – in Europe and around the world – the transition to sustainable agriculture, respectful of the environment and the pollinators on which it depends. POLLINIS relies entirely on donations from citizens engaged like you in this vital fight for the future of agriculture and the planet, and receives no funding from governments or professional organizations in order to be able to maintain complete independence from vis-à-vis any economic or political power. If the donations collected exceed the set objective, they will be used to finance other actions in favor of pollinators and biodiversity. POLLINIS will keep you informed of the progress and follow-up of this campaign, or other POLLINIS campaigns linked to it. If at any time you wish to unsubscribe from our mailing list, simply send an e-mail to mentioning "Unsubscribe" as the subject of your message. If you want more information on this action or on POLLINIS, you can visit the website www.pollinis. org or write to us at
